

While working on becoming a better supplier for our customers and in order to provide their exact needs and meet their expectations with the evolution of the glass world, HTG has taken the decision to work on becoming the first and only certified glass processor (for worldwide glass companies) in Lebanon. Accordingly, training sessions and auditing periods were held in our factory in order to enhance our staff’s knowledge about high performance glazing, means of handling and processing such types of glass. Auditors from those various companies have spent months tracking our system, our
production and our quality until we finally achieved the set goals. Below is a list of certificates obtained referring to different types of high performance glass (solar and thermal) from SAINT GOBAIN GLASS & GLASTROSCH. Such certificates do carry an expiry date where auditors from those companies visit us yearly to ensure the quality of our production still meets their standards. Moreover, HTG is carrying on with the certification process with other companies such as Guardian glass hence maintaining our current status of being the only certified glass factory in Lebanon.

application-pdfCertificate HTG -KT.pdf   application-pdf Certificate HTG -PltSeries.pdf  application-pdf Certificate HTG -SKNII.pdf  application-pdf GLASTROSCH CERTIFICATE.pdf

Glass Processing Certifications